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Fence panels Ipswich – from Lumberjacks

Like it or not, winter will soon be upon us – and that has implications for avid gardeners and homeowners alike, should bad weather unfortunately rear its ugly head.

At Lumberjacks, we supply a variety of outdoor garden products – including fence panels, outdoor lighting, sheds and tools – from our Ipswich base. Here in this article, we outline some of the key steps you should be taking before any bad weather strikes to help protect your garden and fencing.  



Make Light Work for You

It gets darker more quickly – and for longer – in winter, but we stock Ellumiere outside lighting which means you can still enjoy your garden.

Having lighting in your garden makes it a safer place overall, particularly if you find yourself having to make trips outside while it’s dark, as you will have a much easier time of seeing exactly where you’re walking helping you to avoid any unfortunate trips or falls.

Outdoor lighting in your garden is useful for security as well, because so many would-be thieves strike under cover of darkness and the light acts as a deterrent.

When it comes to security, the Royal Horticultural Society encourages homeowners to let any (prickly) climbers grow up against boundaries or fences, as this can deter intruders from climbing into your garden.  


Stopping the Weeds

Even if you do install outdoor lighting, you won’t find it as easy to get out into the garden as much for the day-to-day tasks such as weeding and pruning (because you will have less of a window of opportunity in which to do it) but weeds still have an annoying habit of growing whatever the weather.

At Lumberjacks we stock a variety of weed suppressants which help solve this particular problem. You could also lay down some mulch; this will suppress weeds and offer some protection against frost for your plants when the coldest weather sweeps in.  

You should also be looking to give the plants you do want to grow their final prune of the year.


Move Items into the Garden Shed

Before the coldest (and wettest) weather arrives, you ought to think about any moving items of garden furniture into a safe place, such as your garden shed or summerhouse (or garage if you don’t have either of those).

This is particularly true if you have lightweight plastic chairs and tables – our high-quality selection of wooden tables and benches are able to withstand much more of the winter weather (whether it’s high winds or heavy rain).

Winter is also a good opportunity to perform some routine maintenance, such as oiling and cleaning, on any of your garden tools. This way, when you come to use them in the spring, they will be in pristine condition and ready for use at a moment’s notice.


Protect Your Structures

Make sure there aren’t any obvious gaps in your fence panels, any weak spots, or anything that needs reinforcing or strengthening.

Replace or hammer in any loose fixings – you should be able to find what you are looking for here.

Also, now is the time to ensure that fences (and garden sheds) are given extra protection from the elements. At Lumberjacks we stock wood treatments which will ensure any timber products looks just as good next year as they do this year.


Delivery from Lumberjacks

If you need any fencing products in Suffolk, whether it’s panels, posts or anything in between, we have a wide range available. We also stock a wide range of other garden products as well (although purchasing some these will be more at the forefront of your mind in spring or summer, it’s always good to be prepared!).

If you would like to know more about any of our products, follow this link and fill in the online form, or call us on 01473 461394.

We also deliver to Felixstowe, Woodbridge, Hadleigh, Stowmarket, Needham, Capel St. Mary, Debenham, Bildeston and other nearby villages; for more information click here.