With winter fast approaching, more people are considering the benefits of a real fire, thanks to the increasing cost of energy. But, even if you have your own fireplace, unless you have a regular supply of firewood in your own garden then you’ll need to order some in.
The main choices for your fire will be hardwood or softwood. Here, Lumberjacks explain the key differences between the two – and why we can not only supply hardwood logs from our Ipswich base but other fire-related accessories too.
The Key Differences
Hardwood logs come from sturdy, slow-growing trees such as oak, birch and ash that shed their leaves during the cold winters and deliver a variety of strong and thick firewood.
Softwood logs, however, come from evergreen trees that tend to grow faster, such as larch, Douglas fir and spruce. They are typically coniferous trees that have needles and deliver more lightweight selections of firewood.
Hardwood will burn for longer than softwood, and the embers that remain will continue to generate heat for a much longer period of time. A fire using hardwood logs won’t create as many sparks or as much smoke as softwood, which is important for your overall safety and comfort.
At Lumberjacks, to check out our range of hardwood logs and sundries, simply follow this link.
One of the problems with wood is that it won’t burn as well when it’s wet – and at Lumberjacks we have that covered as well, thanks to our log stores and chests which will keep your logs dry whatever the weather. It also means you won’t have to use up valuable storage space elsewhere, such as in the garage or inside the house.
Solving the Disadvantages of Hardwood
One of the few issues with hardwood logs is that you can’t start a fire with them as easily. In this regard, softwood is better as it’s lighter and less dense (although once a fire is up and running hardwood can’t be beaten).
Although we don’t currently stock any softwood at Lumberjacks, some of our bags also contain some kindling which means you won’t have to worry about getting the flames going. We also stock Homefire heat logs, an equally green, high-energy alternative to hardwood logs – these are made from compressed wood and contain no chemicals or additives. They can be used on their own or just to get your fire going.
What About Coal?
One of the problems with wood, whether it’s softwood or hardwood, is that it can also burn quite erratically – in this respect coal is better. Coal has a reputation for not being as sustainable as wood and for the smoke it generates – but our Homefire Ovals smokeless coal is much more eco-friendly than regular coal.
These are suitable for multi-fuel stoves as well as open fires and last up to 40% longer than regular house coal, with some fires lasting for as long as nine hours. They are also approved by HETAS (the Heating Equipment Testing and Approvals Scheme) and are suitable for use in so-called ‘smokeless zones’. For more details follow this link.
Hardwood Logs in Ipswich from Lumberjacks
If you would like to know more, or order any of your winter fuel from us, then you can order online via the product pages listed above. (We also stock Calor Gas refills for any outdoor heating and cooking for customers in Felixstowe, Woodbridge, Stowmarket, Ipswich and across Suffolk – more details can be found here). You can also click on this link and fill in the online form or call us on 01473 461394 with any queries which we’ll be happy to answer.