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UK gardeners are facing plenty of challenges in the 12 months which lie ahead; a climate which is both hotter and wetter means that the choice of plants and landscaping decisions could be trickier than ever. Here Lumberjacks, who supply high-quality garden buildings and other timber products from their base in Ipswich, identify some of the leading horticultural trends for 2024.


More Mediterranean Gardens

Last year was reported to be the hottest on record. With the advent of global warming this is a long-term trend which is likely to continue, so this means gardeners around the world (not just in the UK) are having to adjust their planting and landscaping choices accordingly.

So in 2024 expect a rise in the number of Mediterranean gardens; this means using plenty of sandstone, pictured, and limestone for pathways and patios. Other common features of this type of garden are gravel and decorative stones – which we can supply to customers in Stowmarket, Felixstowe and across Suffolk. These can be used as a form of mulch (not just on driveways) where the beds are full of drought-tolerant plants.

In terms of what to plant (and grow, including fruit and vegetables) this can mean grapes, figs, almonds and apricots are all viable options. Some herbs (particularly sage) and decorative species such as phlomis can also be used to spruce up your garden. Some gardeners could also try cypress, palm and olive trees if they are sure they will get enough sunshine.


Versatile Planting

While it may be hotter overall, it’s also been wetter - our home county of Suffolk is one of the worst affected by the recent floods and storms.

So, although the UK has had long spells of dry weather over the past year, there have also been short spells of very heavy rain. So, some gardeners may be looking for plants which do well in all types of weather. In 2024 expect to see plenty of perennials such as forget-me-nots, spiderwort and irises which will survive even in very damp conditions.


Natural Solutions

Gardeners are increasingly aware of the need to be ‘at one’ with nature and support as many eco-systems in their garden; enquiries to the Royal Horticultural Society about ‘wildlife gardening’ rose by 28% last year.

This means using bug hotels, hedgehog highways, bird baths, and other water features to support wildlife. Plants viewed as weeds are now being encouraged because they support insects – these include cow parsley and dandelions. It also means incorporating natural solutions in your garden to encourage plants (rather than fertilisers) such as a bark mulch – check out our product here.


Improving Your Mental Health

Nowadays, gardening isn’t just viewed as a productive hobby but also as a therapeutic activity.

Hence the rise in ‘wellness gardens’ – this trend took off during the Covid pandemic as many people needed somewhere to relax to escape the stresses and strains of everyday life and isolation. More gardens are expected to include a space to sit, rest, read or even eat in 2024.

This space could be in a summerhouse, under an arch or pergola or on decking – Lumberjacks has all of these options covered. If you want your own patio then we have some high-quality paving materials and chimineas and firepits if you want to eat outdoors as well. And, when it comes to actually sitting down, we have a range of high-quality garden furniture sets.


Garden Buildings in Ipswich from Lumberjacks

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