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Hardwood logs Ipswich – supplied by Lumberjacks

If you want to feel the benefit of a real fire over the winter months, and particularly the Christmas period, then it’s important that you look after your fireplace or wood-burning stove properly.

Lumberjacks supply hardwood logs, smokeless coal and other fire-related items to customers in Ipswich and across Suffolk. Here we have compiled a schedule for daily, weekly, six-monthly and yearly maintenance tasks which should ensure your fire – whether it’s in an open fireplace or a stove – burns efficiently, keeping you warm and safe.


On a Daily Basis

After every fire, remove the ash after its embers have cooled down. Then spread some old newspapers around the hearth or underneath the stove to make sure your floor (or carpet) isn’t damaged by any soot or ash stains.


On a Weekly Basis

A build-up of soot, creosote and other debris can increase the risk of chimney fires. If you have an open fireplace, inspect the chimney once a week for any potential problems (such as stains on your mantlepiece) and if you are worried, call in an expert.

If you have a wood burning stove, then the most likely area to be affected by any accumulation is around the baffle plate or throat plate – this is situated at the top of the fire chamber and reflects heat and flammable gases back down into the chamber. You should brush any debris or particles off it; some plates drop down, while others need unbolting to drop down, or you may need to unscrew it. Others are bolted into position, so you may need to take extra care with these. Again, if you are worried, call in a professional.


On a Six-Monthly or Yearly Basis

HETAS – the Heating Equipment Testing and Approval Scheme – recommend that you get your chimney swept twice a year if you are burning wood and once a year if you are burning smokeless fuel. This advice applies whether the chimney is attached to a wood burning stove or a fireplace.

Sweeping by a qualified professional will help by reducing the amount of flammable creosote on the inside or lining, reducing the risk of chimney fires. It will also improve the burning efficiency of the stove or fireplace; and it will cut down on the amount of carbon monoxide it emits; this colourless, odourless gas can cause headaches, nausea and dizziness and (in extreme cases) loss of consciousness.


Specific Tips for Wood-Burning Stoves

Stains can build up on glass-fronted doors over time – you should keep the glass at the front clear with a non-abrasive cleaning solution (or even wipe it with cold on some crumpled newspaper). For more stubborn stains you may have to use ammonia or an oven cleaner (but remember to use eye protection and rubber gloves if you go down this route).

Check the rope seals around the door to ensure it closes properly (and the stove is burning efficiently). Try trapping a thin piece of paper in the door every month – if you can pull it out easily then the seal may need replacing. Lastly, always ensure to leave the door ajar if you aren’t using it for a while, such as in the summer months – this will allow the flow of air through the system, helping to prevent corrosion.  


Use the Best Quality Fuel

It’s important that you burn high-quality fuel sources – not just for increased efficiency but also because it will do less damage to your chimney. At Lumberjacks we can provide high-quality hardwood logs from our Ipswich base as well as sundries, such as Twizlers, which will help you get your fire started. We also have smokeless coal for sale at our Ipswich yard. In November we are also offering a 5% discount on all home fuel orders.

You can use our coal and logs in pizza ovens, firepits and chimineas – which we also supply. If you have more questions about any of our products, you can contact us on 01473 461394 or follow this link and fill in the online form.