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Durapost Ipswich - Protecting Your Garden in Winter

The British garden has to cope with a lot of bad weather over the winter months – whether it’s snow, ice and frost, high winds, or flooding. At Lumberjacks we have put together 6 helpful tips to help ensure that your garden comes through the worst of the winter unscathed.


1. Ensure Your Fences are Secure

Check your fencing for any loose panels ahead of any forecast high winds. If you find any you may be able to do some temporary repair work, strengthening with screws and nails. However, the best bet is to ensure they are properly secure in the first place. At Lumberjacks we supply Durapost fence posts from our Ipswich base. These posts are made from galvanised steel so offer more strength than wood (but are lighter than concrete so installation should be easier). They also offer a high degree of wind resistance and won’t rot either. For more details on the advantages of Durapost galvanised steel fence posts, check out our previous blog post here.


2. Put Portable Items in a Shed

This usually means items like garden furniture which you won’t be needing as much in the winter months, as well as lightweight objects that can easily be blown away, or deteriorate if left out in wet or freezing weather. Our range of sheds can be found here.

If you haven’t got a shed, then try to find a sheltered spot like behind a wall, hedge or fence. Remember that what may seem like a sheltered spot actually might not be. For example, the passageway down the side of a house can act as a wind tunnel and make lightweight items more vulnerable.

In the case of outdoor potted plants, it may be worthwhile grouping them together; and (although it might seem odd to do it) make sure they are well watered before any forecast of storms as this will make them heavier.


3. Cover Your Pond

You don’t want your flora and fauna in your pond to suffer. The autumn and winter are the worst months as organic material in the water won’t break down as quickly, increasing the amount of ammonia and making it more acidic. Therefore, the best thing to do is cover it with chicken wire to prevent any garden debris (such as leaves) from building up on top. The wire may also deter youngsters and pets from going near the freezing water.


4. Watch the Water Levels

There are a number of specific things you can do if heavy rain is forecast. Firstly, make sure that your drains are clear of leaves and mud. If the rain can’t go down the drains, then it may cause flood other parts of your garden, and damage your home’s foundations and walls.

Another good thing to do is install a water butt. This will help reduce the amount of water your garden has to absorb (and can be used during times of hot weather, saving you money).

You can also consider installing raised flower beds. Thanks to their elevated nature these will be less vulnerable to flooding. At Lumberjacks we can supply wooden sleepers, which are ideal for use in other garden projects as well as raised beds.


 5. Use Salt and Mulch

Keep pathways as clear as you can of any snow and ice. Our salt may help alleviate some of the risks by ensuring the ice melts more quickly. However, don’t put large quantities of it on or near any flower beds as this can damage the plants’ roots if used undiluted.

Protective wrapping may protect higher-growing plants from the worst effects of frost; at ground level, laying down some mulch (or replenishing an existing layer) should provide additional protection. The Royal Horticultural Society says it will also reduce any compaction and soil erosion which follows heavy rain.


6. Prune Your Trees and Shrubs

It’s usually the topmost growth in trees and shrubs which can be vulnerable to high winds.  So make sure everything, including roses, buddleia, lavatera and other climbers are cut back well before winter. This will help promote healthier growth in the plants from the spring onwards. It may also be worth staking some plants ahead of any particularly strong winds; however, don’t make any ties too taut, as they may snap.


Contact Lumberjacks for Your Gardening Needs

Whatever you need to protect your garden from the cold weather, you should be able to find it at Lumberjacks. It’s also worth checking out our special offers page.

We deliver all across Suffolk, including Felixstowe, Woodbridge, Stowmarket and Hadleigh – in certain postcodes, we even offer free delivery. For more information see our deliveries page.